We bring light into darkness
Light for Life e.V. is a non-profit organization that aims to equip remote remote mountain villages with solar-powered lamps.
The special feature: Light for Life e.V. develops the devices itself! More about this on this homepage.
What we want
We want to bring light to the regions of the earth where it is most urgently needed by using regenerative energies. And this sustainably and environmentally friendly without the consumption of fossil fuels! Because there are still areas where people have no access to electricity. This means, among other things, that in these regions children who have to help in the fields during the day no longer have a chance to learn in the evening. Yet education is the way out of poverty.
Who we are
We are a team of technology enthusiasts and combine know-how from a wide range of fields – from design engineers to electrical engineers to IT professionals. With our knowledge we would like to make the world a little bit better. In doing so, we are grateful for any support. If you would like to become part of our team, simply contact us by e-mail.
Our technology
Our solar home system consists of a central unit, four LED lights and a 20 Wp (Watt peak) solar panel. It provides enough light for a family. Because we design and manufacture our systems ourselves, we can define our own quality standards and are independent of other manufacturers. Our quality standards: – min. ten years lifetime of the devices – stable and environmentally friendly metal housing – safe lithium iron phosphate batteries – easy handling (plug and play).